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Empty Token

The question mark (“?”) symbolises an Art Value token that has been minted but does not have a number assigned yet.

This token is Art Value ID #14. And it is the first generative Art Value token!

The starting price is 500$. You bid higher, win the auction, and get your bid value as NFT art.

The token on OpenSea auction:

After the auction, if you are the winner of the auction, a Number will be inscribed in the new token and sent to you.

The number equal to the price you paid at the auction (your last and winning bid) will be assigned to you. If you are the winner, please email us to the exact number you want to receive because you paid in ETH but the price will be written in USD. The new token with your number will be minted and sent to your wallet.

Art Value pioneers a unique type of auction where generative tokens are created through the auction process. 

Art Value offers an opportunity to acquire Numbers as NFT art. The project develops and explores the concept of: ‘numbers as art’. Using the online auction, the concept is directly executed and followed: the artwork’s price becomes the subject matter of the piece, making each work one of a kind. The price of artwork is explicitly exposed in the artwork. For instance, you pay 100 euro for 100 NFT token. The token advertises your investment. 

Each unique auction begins with Art Value tokens being offered for sale. The exact price of the winner bid will be inscripted in the token. The mechanics of the auction are very important to generating the art piece. A user can make a bid and if he wins the auction, he receives the Number token with the price imprinted in the token itself.