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2424 Number for price of 2424 on sale at marketplace and OpenSea. Art Value and Das Vegas NFT art piece, crypto art project.




The artwork is 2424 is also 2424,00.

The ratio-value of all Art Value artworks is 1 = 1$. This NFT token 2424,00

is of 2424.00$ value.

You can own the Art Value token ID #7 only for 2424.00 USD. 


Later you will get an opportunity to change the design of the Number on 

The new design you could make with Art Value Experience (3D printed and virtual image – or you will receive a physical artwork by curated famous artist.


2424 is twin flame number.

It’s impossible to understand 2424 numerology meaning without understanding the numbers contained in this number.
Number 2424 is a magical blend of numbers 2, 4, 24, 42, 242, and 424. Energies of these numbers are mixed and amplified, creating special spiritual energy.
Number 2 is a symbol of duality and partnership. It gives you a signal that you need to have a partner to accomplish your goal.
You’re a strong individual, but it’s easier to overcome any challenge when you have a helping hand.
Number 4 represents confidence and life fulfillment. Just like a full year has four seasons, number 4 tells you that you’re about to reach life fulfillment.
It helps you to see your life from a wider perspective and make reasonable decisions.
Number 242 is telling you that you need to be more confident. You need to be aware of your skills and use them to achieve your goals.
Look at yourself in the mirror and think about who you are. You’re stronger than you think, never forget that.
Number 424 symbolizes your creative side. It wants you to engage your creativity and imagination to make your life more colorful.
Bring colors into your life and have fun, that’s the ultimate message of number 424.
Combining all these numbers, we’re getting angel number 2424 which contains energies of all numbers mentioned above.
That energy drives you forward and engages your creative side, but, on the other hand, warns you to be patient and cautious.


All Art Value artworks are unique and authentic. It is only one such number sold.

Artwork 2424,00 contains rarity attributes: 

  • two twos (2×4),
  • two fours (2×4)
  • additional two zeros (2×0) 
  • total 4 (6). 

Six-digit number is built with 3 different elements. 


  • Minted Nov-06-2021 09:23:05 PM +UTC.