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33000-13 Number NFT artwork of Art Value by artist Das Vegas




The Angel artwork is 33000,13.

The ratio-value of all Art Value artworks is 1 = 1$. This NFT token 33000,13 is of 33000.13$ value.

You can own the Art Value token ID #13 only for 33000.13 USD.


Later you will get an opportunity to change the design of the Number on

The new design you could make with Art Value Experience (3D printed and virtual image – or you will receive a physical artwork by curated famous artist.


To understand the meaning of angel number 33, you must first understand the spiritual meaning of the single digit number 3.
Angel Number 3 has deep meaning in and of itself, so when it is doubled, the vibrational strength of angel number 33 is even stronger.
The number 3 represents creativity, the ability to grow, and inspiration.
Personal growth comes from the ability to tolerate change. When you feel deeply inspired and creative, it’s important to remain open to learning from even the most unexpected and unlikely of sources.
The number 3 also represents talent and self-expression — your natural abilities as well as the means through which you prefer to share them with the world.


All Art Value artworks are unique.

Artwork 701,11 contains rarity attributes:

  • three threes (3×3),
  • three zeros (3×0),
  • one one (1×1),
  • total 7.

Seven digit number is built with 3 different elements.
